Five Things Vol. 22
March 31, 2020 in HomeComin’ at ya just in the nick of time before the month’s end with my favorite five things from February. Racking my brain back to when things were still “normal” and before everything really started getting nuts. 1. “Snow Day” We didn’t get much...
Five Things Vol. 21
March 1, 2020 in HomeOkay, here’s another super delayed “five things”, but now that I’m caught back up after the winter funk, I should be able to stay on track haha. If I’m being completely honest, I was in a total funk the whole month of January. It...
Five Things Vol. 20
January 15, 2020 in HomeConfession: This post is super overdue (like two months overdue)!! As you know, I always publish my “Five Things” posts to reflect on my favorite things from the previous month. Accordingly, this post should have gone up in January. I’m documenting here that it...
2019 Reader Favorites
January 10, 2020 in Baby, Fashion, HomeHappy New Year, friends. As excited as I am for the new year, I’ve been struggling to get out of holiday mode. Luke was able to unplug from work a bit (a rare occurrence haha) and also work from home a good bit the...
Christmas Home Decor
December 23, 2019 in HomeShort and sweet post today sharing a little glimpse at some of our Christmas home decor. It’s not everything, but the majority of what I put out this year. This is as much for my own good as it is for anyone else. My...
Small Gifts and Stocking Stuffers F...
December 17, 2019 in Baby, Fashion, Holiday, HomeIf you’re still in need of a few small gifts and stocking stuffers, I’ve rounded up several fun things that will all arrive before Christmas (most in the next two days and by the weekend). These are all Amazon finds and I’ve covered the...
Great Gifts Under $100
December 13, 2019 in Baby, Fashion, Home/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22...
Five Things Vol. 19
December 8, 2019 in HomeHow in the world are we now in the last month of the year? Mind blown. In honor of entering December (plus a few days), it’s time for me to reflect back on November. Like our other fall months this year, November was full...