I’m not a doctor, nurse, or wellness expert of any kind, but I have learned on my own that there are a few daily habits that, when I implement consistently, positively contribute to my overall wellbeing. I’ve personally never had any major health issues, scares, or complications and, while I’m incredibly thankful for that, I think it has taken me a bit longer to establish a consistent daily, health routine as a result. I do believe that our bodies are a temple for the Lord and that he made us all unique. “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” – Psalm 139:13-14. We have all been given unique gifts and placed in various roles and, in order to adequately serve in the different areas that we have been placed, I think it is important to take care of and nourish our body and mind well.
Today, I thought I would share a few tips and tricks that just make me feel all around better. These are small things and I definitely still have days and weeks where I don’t check every box, but I have been trying my best to stick to these habits in 2022 and can tell a difference. Here are five things I try and do as part of my personal daily wellness routine:
1. Consistent Bedtime: Not only am I not a morning person, I’m also a night owl. These things don’t mix well. Especially when I have to hit the ground running in the morning with two little boys. I have learned though, that going to bed around the same time consistently makes a huge difference in my week. That doesn’t mean I enjoy waking up in the morning, but it is slightly less painful as my body has gotten used to the schedule. Luke and I both usually go to bed between 10-10:30. That time may seem late to some but, as I mentioned earlier, I’m a night owl and this time works well for me. I still get to hang out with Luke at night after the boys have gone to bed and also still get plenty of sleep. Ultimately though, I think the most important part to feeling better and well rested is picking a consistent bedtime an sticking to it within a thirty minute range.
2. Social Media Cutoff: After the new year, I decided to cut out looking at social media after 10 pm. That’s usually when I’m heading upstairs to go to bed and it’s terrible for my sleep if I go aimlessly scroll before trying to fall asleep. Of course I’m not perfect at this and there are times I do pop on to check something real quick but, for the most part I have stuck to this and feel so much better when I do. I’m now thinking about bumping my cutoff up to 9:30 pm. This is a mental thing for me, but I truly feel like it helps my overall wellbeing when I stick to at least some social media boundaries and doing so at night is the most helpful to me.
3. Drink 60ish Ounces of Water Per Day: I don’t need to preach to you the importance of drinking water… you’ve heard that before from plenty of people that are much more qualified than I am to speak to it. However, while I don’t know if the magic formula is 64 ounces or half your body weight or whatever, I do know that I feel leaps and bounds better when I’m good and hydrated. 64 is an attainable number to me and that’s why I aim for somewhere in that ballpark. I use the large Tervis Tumblers to drink my water during the day… I can easily hit 48 ounces by drinking two of those. I drink one full glass mixed with my LiquidIV in the afternoon and one full glass at night when Luke and I are watching tv after the boys go down. I usually have about a 16 ounce glass of water for dinner and when you add those all together you get 64. Of course I’m not perfect here and sometimes I end up a little under, but I almost always hit 50 ounces and that’s my drop dead minimum. Water, y’all, it really does make the body feel so much better! **Disclaimer… I do not drink water when I first wake up. I know “they” say that’s best practice, to drink water before coffee or anything else, but I wake up and want my coffee (like I think about it when I’m going to sleep the night before) and cannot will not quit that being the first thing I sip on in the morning.
4. Get Fully Ready Three Days a Week (minimum): If you’re someone who goes into an office everyday, forgive me for saying this is a daily wellness tip but, for me, it is. I am home with the boys and any blog/social media work I do is done from home as well. I also mentioned to you that I am not a morning person and to follow suit with that, I enjoy staying in my pajamas and robe well into mid-morning. My husband will have some comments about this. That being said, I feel so much better mentally when I get ready and put together. I have my days where I just change into comfy matching sets or leggings and a t-shirt, but I do also force myself to get fully ready (hair, makeup, cute outfit) at least three days a week and that means doing it some days when I have nowhere to be but at home. If I have an appointment or plans to go somewhere (with or without the boys), that’s usually an obvious choice for a day to get ready, but there are definitely days when I put myself together for a day when I don’t even leave the house because mentally that’s just what I need to do to feel a little more human ha.
5. Daily Binto Supplements: I’ve got an entire blog post dedicated to my supplement regimen (read that here) so I’m not going to go into every detail, but I legitimately believe in the benefit of getting on supplement routine. Especially for women, I feel like we often stretch ourselves so thin and that leads to less time to prioritize our own wellbeing (mentally and physically). I know that I don’t eat perfectly and that I also can find myself worn down and ragged at the end of the day. Taking supplements that are tailored to my individual needs gives me a physical boost in nutrients and support and also gives me peace of mind knowing that I’m prioritizing my health… and with two wild little boys, I definitely need it.
No two women are the same and Binto acknowledges that. They make it easy to get supplements that are personalized to meet the needs of your body and stage of life. They also make it easy… they send it straight to your doorstep monthly with no strings attached. Head to my blog post here for more information on Binto Supplements or go to MyBinto.com for a wealth of information and to get started on a routine yourself. If you’re interested in trying, you can use code KARISRAE for 20% off your purchase on their site. I’ve been using Binto for two years now (tweaked my routine twice) and feel such a difference in my body when I’m taking them versus when I’m not. It’s been one of the best companies I’ve discovered over the past couple of years.
And there you have it… My very basic daily wellness routine. These are a few easy steps I can take each day that really seem to make a difference in my overall wellbeing, both mentally and physically. Would love to hear what kinds of things you do to prioritize your health, whether big or small… comment or email me and let me know!
Thanks so much for stopping by. xoxo.