Nine months in and now nine months out for baby Cooper. I can’t believe how fast the time goes. Truly, babies don’t keep and every moment is such a precious gift. I rounded up some of our most loved baby items from 0-9 months. Many of these products are some of the exact same ones from three years ago with my first. Obviously some of these have phased out well before nine months (Dock-a-tot, swaddles, etc.) and some didn’t phase in until Coop was several months old (floor seat, door jumper, etc.) but, for the sake of a thorough and comprehensive list, I included them all together. Although we use and love more products than this, these are all things that I would consider our most used and most loved baby items over the past nine months.
We had the Hatch Rest for Bodie (and still use it in his room now as his sound machine), but we found we didn’t really use the night light portion that often and went with the Hatch Mini for Cooper’s room. It’s been perfect and a lot easier to travel with because of the size. I seriously love this portable egg night light. It taps on quickly and is adjustable. You can also carry it around. It’s the perfect amount of light to allow you to see without being too disturbing. For his first few months, he was swaddled each night and I don’t think you can beat the Halo velcro swaddles… I love the valboa dot ones (not too warm, not too cool). We went through a brief transition with the Merlin Sleep Suit and then moved on into sacks. These sleepsacks are my favorite and what he sleeps in every night and for naps. The quilted design is great and they’re a little thicker which I appreciate. Angel Dear makes my favorite jammies for little ones. They are so stretchy and soft and have foldover mittens that actually stay down if you need them. You can find them at lots of different baby boutiques and department stores. I usually get most of ours from Altar’d State and Spearmint Baby or whatever department store or baby boutique has them on sale. We love our Owlet sock. I have used it with both boys. It just gives a lot of peace of mind to my mama brain.
The Boppy was a must-have for me for the first seven months of Coop’s life while I was nursing him. I also ordered extra covers and loved these from Amazon the most. This breastmilk storage set was great. I love that the storage bottles have an adjustable top that you can set when you fill it… perfect to keep up with dates. The little fridge holder was great to keep it all organized. We tried several bottles, but these were Cooper’s favorites and what we’ve stuck with. We’ve been using these spoons for feeding baby food and they’re the best.. the silicone is soft yet sturdy, and they clean well. I absolutely love our Baby Brezza Sterlizer and Dryer. It keeps everything super clean and I don’t have to let it sit out to dry. I can get it right up in the cabinets and eliminate clutter on the counter.
Luke would tell you I couldn’t survive without this exersaucer… he may be right. It’s perfect for developing little motor skills during play and frees up your mama hands to get other things done. There are little fabric loops on the seat so you can also attach additional toys and it grows with your baby and turns into a table for when they’re toddler age. Cooper started in here at about 5 months with some support around him to give him more balance. This sit-me-up floor seat is wonderful. We have mostly used it on the coffee table or the floor in the playroom. Another great resource for freeing up your hands and allowing baby to play. As soon as baby can sit with some support, they’re ready to hop in. We mostly use our Dock-a-Tot for the first three months or so, but let me tell you that we use it religiously for those three months. I think it’s a godsend for new parents of newborns. You can add a toy bar like this one around the Dock and baby can sleep or “play.” The Mamaroo is another one we love and use pretty much from birth. I love that you can adjust the movements and speeds. Both of my boys took their evening catnap in the Mamaroo until about 8 months. The door jumper can’t be beat once your little one starts getting mobile because it allows for so much movement. Coop giggles with excitement when we’re walking towards it.
This fish by Melissa and Doug cannot be beat. It’s probably Cooper’s favorite toy and has been for several months now. Lots of textures and colors that keep the little ones entertained. Chewbeads are wonderful for chewing and hooking other toys onto things. Any of the Taggies toys are great, but this dog is especially wonderful. Each day after Cooper wakes up from his nap, I put this in his crib for him to play with for a few minutes while he wakes up slowly and it’s consistently a hit every single day. haha. This set of soft blocks is perfect for chewing or stacking to work on those little motor skills. They also clean wonderfully so you don’t have to worry about them getting germy and gross. This aquarium was Bodie’s when he was a baby and I’ve continued to use it with Cooper. It works as a sound machine with the light ocean noise or you can play music. It also lights up and the fishes dance around. It’s a really cute thing for baby to look at while in the Mamaroo or in a seat.
These Copper Pearl security blankets are the softest and our favorite loveys. You can get a two pack for under twenty dollars and the prints are darling. They also hold up wonderfully after countless washes. These pacis were the ones Cooper took to from the beginning and I love them as well. No designs, just colors which I love. The structure of these also allows for breathability and no rashes from holding drool right up against the face. For a baby carrier, this BabyBjorn one is wonderful. It works from birth to twelve months. You can carry baby facing forward or backward (depending on age) and it is super easy to put on by yourself. There are lots of options for colors, prints, and fabrics, but I can never resist leopard.
***Cooper slept in a bassinet in our room at night until he was almost six months old. I didn’t include ours in the collage, but that was kind of silly because we used it every single day for almost six months haha. We had the Halo Swivel Bassinest and I have loved it dearly for both of my boys.
If you’re a mama, did any of these items make your “most loved baby items” list too? xoxo.
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