Hi, friends! My sweet husband and one of my dear friends surprised me with a trip to NYC and I fly out tonight. I just found out last week and couldn’t believe it. Luke legitimately pulled off this surprise and I just have no words. One of my closest friends from college lives in the City and I’m headed up to stay with her for a few days. I used to go up once a year and visit, but with pregnancy and a new baby, the past couple of years weren’t as easy to get the annual trip into motion. Needless to say, I’m ecstatic for the next few days. I can’t wait to hang with my friend (she has the cutest apartment over in the West Village) and just caffeinate and do all the things haha. NYC recharges me in the best way… I couldn’t live there long-term, but I do love to visit. The fashion, the hustle and bustle, the food, central park… I could go on. Especially in the fall, it’s just gorgeous up there.
I’ve been outfit planning over the past few days and thought I would share *some* of what I’m packing for NYC. I started out just trying things on to try and know what my game-plan was, but since y’all liked my Walmart Try On Haul post so much, I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone and make a blog post out of it. My hair isn’t fixed and I don’t have all the accessories going in these pictures, but this is just a quick overview.
*I moved my mirror downstairs for better light… but PLEASE excuse the dust and how badly it needs a cleaning. I actually had no idea how bad it was until I started editing the pictures and was past the point of no return because I was not about put all that on again. My outfits aren’t speckled, that good light just caught every last particle of dust ha.
Jumpsuit/Overalls | White Tee | Booties, Similar Pair | Hat
*I didn’t pay that for the sweater. I found it majorly marked down as a freak find at Nordstrom Rack (but it’s not available there anymore 🙁
Blouse | Vest | Jeans | Booties, Similar Pair
Jacket | Tee | Jeans | Sneakers | Boots
Boots or sneakers with this? I love both looks!
Similar Coat | Jeans | Boots
Jeans | Similar Sweater | Flats
Similar Top | Jeans | Booties, Similar Pair | Belt | Hat
Mules | Sweater | Leggings | Similar Scarf
Of course I am throwing in some extra that I didn’t photograph and I’m sure the things I’ve put together will evolve a bit, but this is a pretty good idea of what I’m thinking. I tried to link as many exacts as I could, and really similar options if certain things were old and/or sold out. Happy Friday. xoxo.
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