As I’m looking forward to a busy October, I can’t help but to feel so much joy looking back on an equally busy (and very hot) September. From trips, to birthdays, to decor, I’m sharing my favorite Five Things from September below.
1. Labor Day Weekend
Feels like forever ago, but to kick off the month of September, we went up to the lake with Luke’s family. Labor day always feels like the close of summer, so it’s fun to get in one more “hoorah” if you will. This year though, it’s been so hot that it seemed like summer may never end. It was fun to spend time with family and enjoy the water and outdoors.
2. Bodie’s Turned ONE
How crazy that I have a one-year old now?! Luke was able to take off from work and be with us for most of the day which was wonderful. We had the best time celebrating our little man at home and at the zoo. That week, I shared his birth story and all of his “month” pictures on my blog to kind of reminisce and recap the past year. What a joy it is to have been Bodie’s mama for a full year now. In case you missed it, you can view those posts here: Bodie’s Birth Story || 12 Months of Bodie
3. Bodie’s Birthday Party
A few days after his actual birthday, we had a party at the house with our family and closest friends to celebrate some more. We did a dinosaur theme and I was so pleased with the way everything turned out. A huge “thank you” to everyone who came over and helped us make a big deal of Buggy. It was the best day and I kind of want to do it again haha. I’m going to do a post next week with a lot more pictures and all of the details from the party, so stay tuned for that.
4. Beach Trip
We did a beach trip the last few days of September with Luke’s family. The funny thing is that Luke wasn’t able to make it because of work, but that didn’t deter Bodie and me from going. I’ve decided September may be my favorite time of the year to go to the beach. The weather is still nice but it’s not as suffocatingly hot outside and there aren’t as many people down because school is in. Aside from me getting the worst sunburn of my life on the first day (I’m still peeling right now… not fun), we had the best few days hanging out with Aunt Sis and Uncle Nathan and Granddaddy and ZeZe. We also stopped in and stayed with my parents for a couple of days on the way to and from the beach, so that was an added bonus!
5. Fall Candles and Decor
I don’t really decorate for Halloween, but I do put out some decor for fall and leave it up through Thanksgiving. I’m obsessed with fall candles, so you better believe when it hit September I started burning them on the daily. My favorites are Leaves from Bath and Body Works and Heritage Pumpkin from Target. I do a table centerpiece (it was my mom’s idea to add the napkin in and I love it), a door hanger, change out a few faux florals, and add a couple of pumpkins to the mantle. The porch is decorated with real mums and pumpkins (thanks to my MIL) and that’s always the best part in my opinion. What all decor do you put out for fall?

Hope your October is off to a great start. xoxo.