Hello from the Windy City! I’m currently finishing this post up in my hotel room in Chicago. Why I’m inside working on my blog instead of bopping around through the city, you may ask? It’s currently, 2 degrees outside with a “feels like” temperature of -18. This southern girl can’t hang for too long in those conditions. I have already ventured out this morning though. Luke is over at meetings and forgot something in the room. I had the privilege of running it over to him. It’s only about a 2.5 minute walk, but it was chilly to say the least. EEEEK. Anyway, it’s the beginning of a new month and time for me to share my monthly “5 Things I’m Excited For” post. Hope your March is off to a great (and warmer) start!
1. Chicago Trip
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen a little about our trip so far. Albeit cold, we do love this city and have been able to get out and about some. I think what is so shocking to me is watching the locals just get out and go without even looking phased by these temps. If I lived here, I would hands down own a Canada Goose jacket and can now see why so many do. I am only here until Wednesday, but Luke is here until Sunday. Law things run long, y’all. We are having fun, but I can’t wait to get home and see sweet Bodie and Harper!! While we’ve been here, we’ve gone to The Bean, The Field Museum (always a favorite stop of ours), did some ice-skating at Millennium Park, and have eaten some really good food. Feel free to send over any other good recommendations you have for the city. However, we are not taking the architecture boat tour for obvious reasons, so don’t bother sending me that one haha. PS: The Nordstrom Rack here is incredible. I scored some amazing finds yesterday (did you catch my Insta stories?). Sharing a few of my favorites below (not everything is available online, so I did the best I could):
2. The Bachelor Finale
I don’t have a lot of commenting to do on this and it’s probably not something I should be overly proud of that this silly show has made my top 5 list for the month, but here we are. Have y’all been watching? My Monday night message threads with friends and small watch parties are so fun… I can’t even wait for next Monday to see who “wins.” Also, can we please get that fence jump tonight? I will give the show that their promo and previews for this season have indeed been “the most dramatic ever…”
3. My Birthday
I feel like this is bittersweet. I love a good birthday celebration, but I turn 30 in two weeks and for whatever reason I have been dreading this one. I’ve had a great run in my twenties and thirty just seems old. How silly of me?! 29 in particular was such a great year with my pregnancy and then welcoming Bodie into the world, so I think I’m just a little sentimental about moving on ha. Not going to dwell on it too much because, as Luke told me the other night, “This is 2019. There is no worry with getting older anymore. There’s technology, a beauty product, or health craze to fix and cover everything.” He said it half-jokingly, but these were shocking words to hear him utter, let me tell you. No matter my age, I’m still excited to celebrate my birthday. But 30 is a big one to me so I am continuing to drop reminders to make sure my husband does not forget it and maybe makes some plans… 😏🥳
4. Bodie Turns Six Months Old
This is also bittersweet for me. Bodie will be six months old on my birthday. I love watching him grow and develop, but it is all happening so fast. I have really enjoyed this stage over the past two months and love how interested and interactive he is with the world around him. He is so happy and melts my heart day in and day out. The joy that comes with being a parent truly is unrivaled and a God given blessing. We are also about to start trying some solids next week and that feels like such a huge thing. Any suggestions in this department?
5. Visitors
Y’all have heard me talk about my best friend, Mariglenn, before. She truly is an absolute gem and it really pains my soul that we don’t live in the same city anymore. One of the many amazing things about her is that she always comes to see me for my birthday… every single year. She works in the school system and my birthday typically falls around her spring break. Instead of going on some fun trip, she comes and visits me (we have taken a little adult spring break trip together before, but it’s been a minute). She has helped me move, helped me with home projects, and she even came when Bodie was only month old and helped around the house and with him. She’s seriously the best and always makes me feel so special. This year is no exception and she’ll be in town in just a couple of weeks. I can’t wait!
I think my parents are also going to make a quick trip up to celebrate birthdays as well (my mom’s is two days before mine). With them living six hours away, we are all about jumping on any chance we have to spend time with them. Due to crazy circumstances, we had to cancel a trip down to them a couple of weeks ago, so I’m really looking forward to them coming back up. I honestly think they primarily just come for Bodie now, but Luke and I pretend that we still matter too haha.
What’s on your radar for this month? Any spring break trips or things to look forward to? xoxo.