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Nothing like posting my monthly list halfway through the month. This one is kind of hard for me because, if I’m being honest, January is just not my favorite month. I can think of a couple things to be excited about, but a list of 5 was a little challenging. Is that sad? Maybe so. I had to get creative. January is generally cold and gray, the holidays are over, and there’s just not a whole lot going on. Nevertheless, I think there are and should always be things (whether big or small) that we can find joy in and look forward to. So here we go, here’s my list of 5 things I’m excited for in January:
1. Reorganizing and Setting Goals
I’ve slowly but surely been cleaning out and getting organized again. It’s something I love to do any time of the year, but especially at the start of a brand new year. It takes a little longer with a baby at home, but we’re making some progress. I honestly need to organize all the photos on my phone more than anything. That’s a daunting task, but needs to be done. I’ve also set some personal goals that include- memorizing scripture diligently, drinking 64 ounces of water at least 5 days a week, less screen time and being more in the moment, and reading at least 6 books this year (that would be huge for me). My word for the year is GRACE and I want to accept it and show it more on a daily basis to myself and all those around me.
2. Snow Days
So this one may be a bit of wishful thinking. Obviously I don’t know for sure if this is going to happen or not, but we usually get snow in January. I mean it’s not that I’m dying to fight over bread and milk at the grocery store (people become savages when snow is predicted in the south ha) it’s just that if it’s going to be this cold outside, snow would make it a little more worth while. Bodie has a couple of snowsuits and I’m dying to put him in them and get some pictures. Harper loves playing in the snow until her paws freeze up and she starts walking funny. Also, if it snows a decent amount, Luke usually works from home which I love. Fingers crossed we see some flakes soon!
3. Spring Travel Planning
Luke and I love to travel, but don’t always get to quite as much as we would like. This spring looks promising though. I have plans for a solo trip to NYC at some point to visit a friend. This trip always works out perfectly because Luke hates Manhattan (something I can’t comprehend) and since I go to visit a girlfriend, he gets an out. Luke has a work trip in Chicago in March and I’m going to tag along for a few days. Chicago is one of our favorite cities to visit together and I can’t wait to chow down on some yummy food while we’re there. We’re also currently working on a trip for my 30th birthday. My birthday is mid-March, but we’re hoping to travel either in April or May… Luke’s work schedule can be crazy and a little unpredictable, so that’s kind of dictating our travel plans right now. We’re looking at somewhere in the Caribbean. We love the Virgin Islands and Belize, but we’re entertaining Aruba and the Bahamas for this trip. Any recommendations? I’d love to hear.
4. Reminiscing on Last January
Last January (January 9th to be exact) I found out I was pregnant with Bodie. I told Luke that night at the Preds game. You can see a fun little picture recreation we did this year here. It’s so crazy to think that it’s been a whole year since I started my journey as Bodie’s mama. I remember reading in my “The Bump” app this time last year with so much excitement learning about the little one in my tummy. It would say things like, “Baby is the size of a headphone jack.” How nuts that a year later that little headphone jack sized baby grew into the sweetest, little 13 lb. boy that I’m now holding in my arms. Pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood… it’s incredible and all points to how big and magnificent our God is. There’s no other way to explain how perfectly executed the miracle of new life is other than divine intervention from our Heavenly Father. Anyway, it’s just fun to think back to a year ago when I was already so excited for the arrival of my little one and planning out ALL the baby things. It was also so fun for Luke and I to share such a big and special secret between just the two of us for a bit. Such sweet memories to look back on.
5. Bodie’s Stage of Life
Bodie is 4 months old today and I can’t even believe it. Time is seriously going by so fast and it’s very bittersweet for this mama. I do love this current stage of his life though. He’s so much more aware of his environment and surroundings and “plays” with the little critters on his toy bar. He coos and “talks” and is honestly just the happiest little guy. I could just stare and talk to him all day long. Luke and I know what makes him smile and laugh now, and it’s so fun to interact with him. His little giggle just melts our hearts. He’s adorable in his winter outfits (beanies and booties are just too much for me to handle) and he’s sleeping so well. This 3-4 month stage has been the most fun. It’s like I want time to slow down and hang out right where we are for a while, but I also can’t wait to watch him continue to develop and grow. Again, it’s all so bittersweet. Mamas, do you feel me?
PSA: Everything I’m wearing in this post is on sale!
Thanks for stopping by. Check back early next week for my “New Mom Must-Haves” post. xoxo.

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