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If you follow a blogger on social media, I’m sure you’ve heard about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I’m going to be honest… I went back and forth on whether or not to even do a post with my favorite items from the sale or not for fear of being overkill. I feel like this sale, while wonderful, has a tendency to get a little blown out of proportion and the “coverage” that some people put into it can just get annoying. Personally, I do enjoy it and it gets me excited for fall, but I also understand we need to keep things in perspective here.
If you really know me, you know that I’m a Nordstrom girl through and through… Luke has actually threatened to cut my card up before ha (half joke). But really, they price match, it’s always free shipping and returns, you earn rewards, they took excellent care of me/tended to me so well when my purse was “stolen” in the store last December (anyone remember that saga… haha?), etc. So, I did ultimately decide to go ahead and do a blog post with some of my favorite picks from the sale. But I don’t really expect to do more than just this one (maybe two if I’m feeling wild) and then it’s back to regular posts around here. I have, however, created a Nordstrom Sale page (it’s on my main menu tab) that you can refer back to if you want to see additional picks from different categories (baby, home, shoes, accessories, men, etc.) while the sale is going on over the next few weeks. You can view that page right here.
Early Access starts today, so if you are a Nordstrom cardholder of any kind, you can start shopping right now. If not, July 19 is when the sale will go to public access. It’s all the same items so if you can’t shop this week with early access, don’t worry. In the past, many things that sold out during early access have been restocked when the sale went public. Not sure if that will be the case this year, but they have a good track record of reserving pieces so that everyone has an opportunity at purchasing the same merchandise. *Even if you can’t purchase during early access, you can still go through and look at everything!
The shoe game is killer this year and that’s where I could get have gotten a little out of control (I’ve already purchased these boots, these booties, these loafers, and these nikes. Oops.). So many good ones… I’ve got to make some decisions and pump the breaks in that department. I’m loving all of the BP sweater options (cuts and colors) for around 30 dollars. I’m planning to shop for Luke and baby this afternoon, as well as sift through the beauty and home stuff a little bit more. Also, I clearly have a thing for jewel toned greens and lavender pieces right now. Time to send mom a couple of things to let her purchase and stash away for Christmas!
Here are a few other things that i’m eyeing:
A few tips for shopping this sale:
- Budget– it’s easy to get carried away, especially when you see a bunch of people posting about things you “have to have.” Set some guidelines early and you’ll be much less likely to get yourself into trouble. I always save up some of my fun money for this sale so I have a little extra to play with.
- Shop Online– It’s just way more convenient and you’ll have many more options than in store. For some things that I cannot wait to get in my hands, i’ll order online and then do order pick up, but the store is normally crazy during this sale (and I’ve gotten a little lazy on top of that), so I just prefer to shop from my couch.
- Order Early– Nordstrom has a great return policy… you can always return for free (in store or by mail) and there is no time limit. If you’re up in the air about something that’s super popular, go ahead and buy it now and decide when it arrives. You can always return, but things have a tendency to sell out (fast) during this sale and it’s better to get your hands on it while you can.
- Buy Gifts– I usually stock up on a few gifts I know i’m going to need in the fall months as well as some Christmas presents as well. If you can budget for this, I think it’s a great time to snag some pieces for your loved ones that you might need in the upcoming seasons.
- Keep Perspective– This is by far and away the most important tip. It’s easy to feel like you’re missing out (especially if you follow bloggers on social media) when it’s not in the budget for you to shop this sale. It’s fun, but I’m here to tell you that it is made to be a bigger deal than it really is. Really. When Luke was still in law school a few years ago and I was the only one working, I couldn’t afford to shop the sale… I turned out just fine and now can’t even tell you the things I so desperately wanted and wasn’t able to buy. I’m reminding myself of this perspective tip also, as we are preparing for little man’s arrival in a couple of months and have much greater expenses than clothes and “all the cute boots.” You aren’t alone if you aren’t shopping the sale or only buy 1 or 2 things, I promise!
Happy shopping, looking, or doing something totally unrelated, my friends! Hooray for being one day away from the weekend. xoxo.