I’m two weeks into the third trimester now and honestly can’t believe it. Baby boy will be here in 10 weeks or less and there is so much to do. Please tell me I am not alone with being on a totally different spectrum when it comes to getting ready for baby the second time around… please! Granted, there are a lot of things we already have since it’s not our first, but still… I’ve got a lot of ground to cover over the next ten weeks (or potentially less). Keeping with my updates, today I’m sharing my Second Trimester Recap for baby number two.
How I Felt During the Second Trimester:
So much better overall which was wonderful. I had so much more energy and didn’t feel the need to sleep just constantly. It was really nice to have more energy and feel better around the holidays. Of course there were still days here and there but, for the most part, things were very smooth. We also found out the gender during the second trimester which was so fun. Knowing that Bodie is going to have a brother is such a fun treat and, although I know I’ll have my work cut out for me, I can’t wait to watch their little bond and chase two little boys around in the yard.
My cravings have mostly remained the same— Chick-fil-A cool wraps and white chicken chili. Aversion wise, it’s about the same… it’s just really that most stuff just doesn’t sound that great, but doesn’t necessarily sound bad. It’s kind of annoying actually, but there could be much worse things to have to deal with so I won’t complain too much.
I also enjoy a homemade latte and my coffee desire has come back some. I do limit my caffeine intake though so I only have one a day, usually first thing in the morning. We got this espresso machine, which makes incredible drinks so I’m really glad to be enjoying coffee again. My sweet tooth came back right around the time that holiday treats were in full force so those were some fun indulgences. Peppermint patties have remained a favorite for the past 6 weeks or so and neopolitan ice cream with rainbow sprinkles also does the trick.
Body Changes:
*Dry skin. Unfortunately, this is still very much a thing and winter has not done me any favors.
*Leg cramps. This is still also a thing, but usually just happen in the morning when I’m waking up.
*Reflux. This is not fun at all and I feel for the people who deal with this on a daily basis, pregnant or not (my poor mama). Mine is not terrible and not an everyday occurrence, but not pleasant when it shows up.
Changes I Made to Daily Life and Purchases for Me:
I’ve mentioned before, but I use almost all clean skin products on my body and face. I also try to incorporate as many toxin-free products in our home and reduce harsh chemicals as much as possible while still maintaining a germ free environment.
The Spoiled Mama is brand I’ve come to love and have been using their products for my bump a lot. The body polish is my absolute favorite. I have a full review of the products I’ve tried and used by them here: Spoiled Mama Product Review. You can use code KARIS15 to save on your purchase. I also love this belly oil from Amazon.
I will do an updated skincare routine post soon, but not much has changed there. I still use mostly Beautycounter on my face and have also incorporated this Pipette Brightening Mask and I love it.
I sleep with my pregnancy pillow every night… honestly, don’t think I can live without it. These are my favorite jammies to wear while pregnant, and I live in black maternity leggings since about 22 weeks on (they were still too big until then). These and these are my favorites.
Purchases for Baby:
Um, did you read my opening paragraph? I’ve got to get busy haha. I have mostly just purchased some onesies and sleepers (I’ll link those below and add a few girl prints too). Again, we have a lot of the major basics from the first time around (Halo Bassinet, Mamaroo, Dock-a-Tot, Boppy, Owlet, etc.) and we are keeping the nursery the same (we’re going to upgrade Bodie to a “big boy room”), so I don’t really have to buy furniture. Oh, I’ve also bought a Haakaa (didn’t have that the first time around) and this VAVA nightlight to put by our bed for middle of the night feeds. I’m planning to purchase this travel baby dome, this carrier, this bather, this double monitor (I think), and another Hatch ASAP though to add to our “new baby arsenal.”
Sleepers (the softest fabric and built in mitts):
Upcoming Purchases:
I’ve been researching double strollers, but haven’t made a decision yet. Send me your recommendation if you have an opinion on this.
A few of my favorite snaps documenting the second-trimester:

And there’s my second trimester recap… entering into the home-stretch now and things really seem to be speeding along. Thanks for stopping by. xoxo.