The first trimester with baby number two was very different than my first time around. I’m so excited to be carrying this little baby and can’t wait for Bodie to have a sibling, but whew… this little nugget is making me work for it haha. I’m currently 19 weeks and that’s when these pics were taken (oops), so several weeks into my second trimester at this point, but finally getting this post up to share with y’all. Here’s my first trimester recap for Baby Number Two:
How I Felt During the First Trimester:
Not terrible, but definitely not great. With Bodie, I really had zero of the negative pregnancy symptoms (until I started swelling really bad at the end) and an overall pretty smooth pregnancy. Although I still haven’t had it as bad as many girls do, this pregnancy has been a bit more challenging. I was extremely exhausted the entire first trimester with this baby (I also have a two-year old though, which I’m sure also contributed to this). I mean like so tired I would scuff around through the house with my eyes half closed. I had several queasy days and, while I never actually got sick, they were not fun days. These bands, these tummy drops, and eating some ritz crackers before I even got out of bed in the morning helped me a lot. Weeks 7 and 11 were the roughest for me overall. The constant peeing started early this time around, as well as crazy pregnancy dreams and not always sleeping the best. Limited stamina, of course, unfortunately was/is part of my days too. All in all, could have been much worse, but wasn’t the best of times for me haha.
Basically, all I wanted was cool wraps from Chick-fil-A or white chicken chili. Those are still my two favorite foods of choice, but I’ve added a couple of other things to my menu at this point. I will say though, there could be much worse cravings to have. At least these are somewhat healthy, right?!
Aversion wise, it’s more just like things don’t do it for me at all. I was constantly begging Luke and my mom to suggest something that would taste good. Other than white chicken chili and cool wraps, everything else was just mediocre at best. Unfortunately, just like last time, my love for coffee disappeared, except for a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks… that still does the trick!
Overall, my eating habits haven’t changed a whole lot. I eat fairly healthy all things considered, but still enjoy sweet treats here and there (if they sound good decent, that is).
Body Changes:
*Dry skin. Between pregnancy and all the hand washing and sanitizing of 2020, I didn’t stand a chance.
*Breakouts. My skin has not been great this time around. Definitely not feeling/giving off that pregnancy glow over here… I honestly feel like I almost always have a bump or two on my face, but what can ya do?! My skincare routine is basically the same as before, so I’m fairly confident these pesky visitors can be blamed on hormones.
*Leg cramps. Unfortunately, these seem to have started early this time around. Almost every morning in my calves… ouch!
Changes I Made to Daily Life:
A couple of years ago, around the time I found out I was pregnant with Bodie, I started making the switch to safer skincare and incorporating cleaner products in our daily life and routine. Because of that, I haven’t had to make a ton of changes to the products I’m using because I had already made that swap a while ago. You can search “Beautycounter” in the search tab and find posts that have lots of the clean skincare products I use. This post covers some of my favorites.
On a similar note, I’ve been trying out a new, toxin-free pregnancy line and am loving it. Look for that full review here on the blog tomorrow. If you’re pregnant or know a mama-to-be, you’ll definitely want to check it out!
I haven’t purchased anything for this baby yet which is nuts. Since this is not our first rodeo, we already have many of the classic/staple baby items (Boppy, Dock-A-Tot, Bumbo seat, Mamaroo, etc.). We’re waiting to find out the gender (next week… YAYYYY) before I buy anything. I’m sure there will be lots of great baby items on sale though (that typically aren’t) right after Thanksgiving, so I imagine I’ll start making some purchases then.
PS: You can reference back to my First Trimester Recap with Bodie here.
So excited to share this journey with y’all. Thanks for all your continued support and for following along. xoxo..