Two years with Bodie… I can’t believe it. You often hear the phrase, “The Terrible Twos”, but I’ll be honest with ya, I’m finding this age to be incredibly sweet and so much fun (so far anyway haha). Don’t get me wrong, Bodie definitely has his little fits and his will shines through at times, but it hardly lasts and he will tell himself, “no fussing!’ It’s actually quite endearing. I’ve said it before, but Motherhood is strange… you love seeing your child grow up and learn and thrive and gain independence, but you still long for them to be little and need your help and want to cuddle. Today, I wanted to share where we are at two years with Bodie in terms of his schedule, favorite toys/activities, clothes, etc.
Bodie’s Typical Schedule (Monday, Wednesday, Friday):
8:30 am: Wake up
8:30- 9:00 am: Eat breakfast and Cartoons (Bubble Guppies is his favorite)
9:15 am – 12:15 pm: Play and Various (in playroom, learning activities, outside play, or errands)
12:30- 1:15 pm: Wash hands, Eat lunch
1:30- 4:00 pm: Nap (My child loves to sleep and I know that is such a blessing)
4:00- 4:30 pm: Books in Room (He loves to read books in his room after he wakes up)
4:30- 5:15 pm: Outside Play or Walk (walk in the neighborhood, on the trail, or play in the front yard)
5:30- 6:00 pm: Eat dinner
6:00- 7:00 pm: Play (usually we all play together as a family during this time in the playroom and get out the last of our energy)
7:00- 8:00 pm: Bath and Bedtime routine (brush teeth, jammies, lotion, books, prayers, goodnight)
Bodie’s Typical Schedule (Tuesday, Thursday):
7:50 am: Wake up
8:00- 8:40 am: Eat breakfast and Cartoons
8:50 am: Leave for Mother’s Day Out
9:00 am- 2:00 pm: School
2:30- 2:45 pm: Home and bath
2:45- 4:00 pm: Nap or Quiet Time in Room
4:15- 5:15 pm: Outside Play or Walk (walk in the neighborhood, on the trail, or play in the front yard)
5:30- 6:00 pm: Eat dinner
6:00- 7:00 pm: Play (usually we all play together as a family during this time in the playroom and get out the last of our energy)
7:00- 7:30 pm: Bedtime routine (brush teeth, jammies, lotion, books, prayers, goodnight)
*Obviously there is some flexibility with the schedule and it doesn’t look like this every single day, but for the most part, this is pretty on target. We’re also still working out the school schedule since he just started going at the end of October. He’s so tired right now and usually not napping until he is at home instead of at school. That may all change though.
*Because he has dealt with eczema his whole life, we don’t bathe him every night unless there is a need. If it’s a no-bath night, he just plays about fifteen or twenty minutes longer before starting the rest of his nighttime routine.
Bodie’s Favorite Toys:
BOOKS: Bodie is a huge fan of books and, as a speech therapist, I love that he loves books and get so much joy from watching him “read.” We have a little “book nook” in his playroom and it’s one of his favorite spots. This is the bookshelf we have and it keeps everything organized. I frequently change out his books and he has different ones in his room to keep some variation. Here are a few of his other favorites right now:
PUZZLES: Bodie LOVES puzzles. When he can’t find a piece, he will say “where’s piece” and run around looking for it… it’s one of the cutest things. He’s gotten fairly advanced with some of the little puzzles he can do, so I plan to order him some more higher developing ones for Christmas. Sometimes he just enjoys taking puzzle pieces out and then throwing them down on the ground, but he will clean them up when asked. Here are some of his favorite puzzles right now (this set of six transportation puzzles are his absolute favorite):
PROBLEM SOLVING AND BUILDING TOYS: Bodie is very into fixing little problems and figuring out how things work. People in our family (half)joke that he’s going to grow up and be an engineer like his Aunt Sis. He loves little hands-on-toys and here are some of his current favorites:
TRUCKS, CARS, AND TRANSPORTATION TOYS: Hands down, anything that is trucks, cars, trains, tractors, boats, airplanes, etc. takes the cake for favorite thing to talk about and play with. Bodie is all boy when it comes to this department. Here are his favorites:
**Bodie is getting a Power Wheels Tractor for Christmas and I can’t even wait. In terms of other outdoor and riding toys, I did a whole blog post on some of our favorite outdoor toys and activities here.
Bodie’s Clothes and School Gear:
My favorite places to shop for Bodie include: Gap, Janie and Jack, Mudpie, The Plaid Rabbit (local baby/kids boutique), The Beaufort Bonnet Company, Target, Amazon, and H&M. He definitely has his fair share of cutesy, smocked and monogrammed outfits (I love little boys in that style deep in my core), but we don’t necessarily wear that around the house for playing every day. We keep it practical if we’re just hanging out and don’t have a lot on the agenda.
PAJAMAS: I’ve shared before that we love the Burt’s Bees Pajamas. He sleeps in the footie zip-ups every night and the quality, fit, and prints are just so good. We also have several of the two-piece pajama sets that sometimes he just changes into for a matching play-set if we’re keeping it comfy and cozy around the house. Both styles come in so many prints and colors for both boys and girls. If you click on one below, it will pull up all of the options. He also still sleeps in a Halo SleepSack for an extra-layer of warmth. We like to sleep with the house on the cooler side at night and cool is also better for his eczema. The sack helps him not to get too chilly (and makes him still seem more like a baby… which we just love haha).
*I just purchased him these for Christmas Time… how stinkin’ cute?!
DAILY WEAR: Here are some practical play clothes that I’ve purchased recently:
SHOES: These blue boots from Amazon are his absolute favorite (available in girl colors too) and he would probably sleep in them if he could haha. He’s also super fond of his “house shoes” and doesn’t want to run around inside without them. It’s hilarious. I get most of his other shoes from Target or when I find a good sale somewhere. They grow out of them so fast during this time, that I don’t want to spend too much (note: many of these styles come in girl colors as well):
Bodie’s School Gear:
Because of Covid and all the craziness that 2020 has brought around, Bodie’s school provided all the children with the same backpack so that it can be wiped down and cleaned upon arriving each day. I honestly love that. His program has implemented every possible precaution I could ever think of to try and keep teachers, students, and parents safe and healthy and we are so thankful. Here are a few things he uses for school for meals (personalized tags and stickers are from one of our favorite shops, Honey Bear Pages:
Two years with Bodie has been pure joy and I can’t even begin to express how blessed I am to be his mother. I thank God all the time for the gift that he is to our family. I’m so excited to see him become a big brother in the spring and welcome another little one to our clan. Parenthood truly is a gift from the Lord and being entrusted to raise Bodie and help guide his little life is a responsibility that I do not take lightly.
Do you like posts like this… “day in the life”, schedules, and favorites? Let me know. xoxo.