[…] you get into organizing in 2020? I purchased a few packs of these bins for our laundry room and also my […]

The other day I put up an Instagram poll and question box and had an overwhelming response to share more home content. Today, I thought I would give you a glimpse into the laundry room refresh that we did one weekend a few months ago.
This project started because I really just wanted to put some peel and stick wallpaper on the wall behind the washer/dryer and cabinets and call it a day. Not because that’s all I wanted to do to the space, but because I felt like I could get that done quickly and would feel like I had accomplished something… I could finish the rest later, right?! Long story short… Luke said we needed to do it all right from the get-go and even though I was in frantic mode, I knew he was right so that’s what we did. It took a little bit longer than I had planned, but was still a relatively quick process for a relatively low cost and has made a huge impact!!!
Our laundry room is also the mud-room… this space is right off the garage and isn’t huge so we really have to be careful not to junk it up and keep it tidy. It also has three doorways in it. One to the garage, one to the screen porch out back, and one into the kitchen/rest of the house. Photographing this room was a challenge haha. Storage and functionality in this space was just as important as aesthetic. We completed the entire project for around $300 and I think it turned out amazing. Below, I’ll list everything we did and price it out so you can see where the money went. Keep in mind, we already had some cabinets in the room so we didn’t have to spend money there and that helped.
Paint: $35. Benjamin Moore- Pale Oak
Wallpaper: $90 ($30 per roll). Nuwallpaper Peel and Stick (3 rolls… barely needed the third, ugh)
Entry Bench: $75. Better Homes and Gardens (sadly it’s around $100 now, but still a great price for what it is)
Runner: $30. Made by Design
Shelving: $9. One board that Luke cut to fit
Storage Bins: $22 for three pack medium, $25 for three pack of jumbo
Laundry Basket: Free. Threshold. Already had this, but I went ahead and linked it (only $20)
Canister for Laundry Pods: $18. OXO
Throw pillows: Free. I already had these
Cabinets: Free. They were already here
Wall Hanging Rack: Free. It was already on the wall when we moved here
Silly me, I didn’t take a true “before” picture, but I have do have a couple of in progress pics that will give you an idea of the mess that this space was. Basically where the bench is now, there was a big floor cabinet and then an awkward size opening next to it between the wall. The cabinet always had stuff on top of it and in the space next to it and it was usually out of control. There was also a third upper cabinet on the wall, but we took it down and now have it in the garage. Finally, we discovered that there was paint on top of some hideous wallpaper. Truly, there was nowhere to go but up haha.
Semi-Before (early progress/the beginning of tearing out):
Sometimes, the smallest changes can make a huge impact. I can honestly say that this room makes Luke and I both so much happier when we walk in from the garage or when I’m doing laundry. It’s the perfect, organized “catch-all” space. This quick project spurred us on to start doing a lot more around the house as well (some of those got put on hold though while I was in the first trimester and Luke’s work schedule was nuts). We have some bigger renovation type projects that are on the agenda (we’re currently getting quotes for those), but these smaller DIY and attainable home projects really make a big difference. Never underestimate the power of a fresh coat of paint and organizing your junk!!
Happy Monday. xoxo.