Whether you typically go to a fall festival or trunk-or-treat at your church or just do the typical neighborhood trick-or-treating, chances are your Halloween plans look a little different (or are even non-existent) this year with all of the curve balls that 2020 has sent our way. This would have been the first year Bodie would have really been able to participate in those type of activities and, of course, that’s a no-go for us this year haha. So I went ahead and ordered him a Halloween treat basket that he can use for years to come and decided to fill it with some fun activities so he can still have a festive surprise.
Everything in Bodie’s Halloween treat basket would work for both boys and girls and, obviously, you can customize items however you’d like by age as well, but I thought this would give a good idea if you want to put something similar together for your little one. Also, note that you can still get all of these items before the weekend. His monogram basket is no longer available, but I’m going to link a few similar options for you.
Halloween Basket Ideas:
Halloween Basket Activities:
Bodie is actually (finally) starting MDO this week and I just found out they’re doing a little trick-or-treating in class on Thursday, so I’m excited for that. He will probably be so clueless as to what’s going on, but I’m sure it will be adorable nonetheless.
What are your Halloween plans? Do you make a Halloween treat basket for your little one(s)? Are you dressing up and going to a party? xoxo.