Hi, all! Here are my Five Things for May 2020.
1. First Lake Trip of the Summer
Although still quarantining, we changed up the scenery and went to the lake for the first weekend of May. Honestly, it was fabulous. Luke’s family has a place at Kentucky Lake that we go to fairly often (it’s only about 2 hours and 15 minutes from our house), so it was easy for us to maintain all of our pandemic precautions and still keep to ourselves. My gosh, it was glorious to get out of our own house though and enjoy a few boat rides and fresh air.
2. Mother’s Day
Since our church was still doing everything online, Mother’s Day Sunday was spent just like all the other days… at home. We live streamed our church service (per our usual Sunday routine), Luke cooked me a big breakfast, I got a nap, and then just spent the day hanging out. It was so nice for Luke, Bodie, and I (and Harper) to have a day all together without Luke working at all. That’s such a rare occurrence and it was delightful. I have dubbed the blue dress below as my “Mother’s Day Dress” because I’ve worn it the past few years in a row. Even though I had nowhere to go this year, I still broke it out to keep the tradition alive. I actually wore it for Mother’s Day two years ago the day after I found out we were having a boy at our gender reveal party (that post is here)… so crazy how fast the time goes!
3. Small and Sweet Family Wedding
Like many others, Luke’s brother and his fiancée had to change their wedding plans. Last May, they scheduled their wedding for May 9, 2020. Although the master plan changed, they still went ahead with the ceremony. It was just them, the minister, both sets of parents, and siblings. A few close family friends surprised them outside of the church with signs and love, all while social distancing. It was honestly the sweetest day and we were so honored to be a part of it. Their reception has been rescheduled for September and we can’t wait to celebrate them again with even more friends and family!
4. Trip to Dothan
Bodie and I broke our home quarantine again to head down and stay with my parents for about a week. Luke was slammed with work and not able to make it, but he had the house to himself to bill a lot of hours while we were gone haha. Even though we didn’t do much once down there, it was great being back home in Alabama and spending time with my parents as always.
5. Home Projects
I feel like we’ve had a bunch of home projects in the works for quite some time now. It’s mostly smaller updates rather than major renovations, but it still makes things a little disheveled. I will definitely share more once things are completed… if that ever happens. Our bathroom project has been underway for what feels like forever. Woof.
Love your blog and seeing all of your pictures! Sweet Picts of family and that precious little guy!!! ❤️
Thank you so much!! I so appreciate you reading and following along 💕