Two years of doing my Five Things posts. I was looking back at a few different and was quickly reminded of why I love doing them. These posts are such a sweet and fun way for me to document, both in pictures and words, all of the small and big things we have going on.
As I look back on April 2020, it was such a strange and crazy month to be alive, am I right? Despite all the change and so much unknown going on in the world, there were still some highlights and here they are:
1. Easter
It was a very different Easter celebration than we are used to, but it was still a sweet weekend. We woke up and did our usual meeting with our life group via Zoom!, followed by live-streaming our church service. Bodie opened his Easter basket and played with toys and we all napped. It was pretty gross and rainy all day, so we took some Easter pics outside the day before… let’s just say that Bodie was more interested in running around than posing for pics, but I was determined to get something for the books haha.
Although the holiday itself was different this year, the reason we celebrate was not. Jesus is alive and still on His! throne and we were able to take comfort and rejoice in that.
2. Outdoor Blooms
We have some Azalea bushes in the front yard and they were in full bloom during the month of April (despite a few cold snaps). Flowers are such a mood booster, ya know?! Whether they are inside or outside, I just love fresh blooms. I’m really trying to work on my “plant lady” skills this year so that I don’t kill everything within the first week.
3. Spring Outfits for Bodie
I love dressing Bodie in warm weather styles… the outfits are just so darn cute. Lately, I’ve been able to snag some really great finds. I’m clearly a sucker for one-pieces outfits… give us all the bubbles and jon-jons.
4. New Office Nook
We’ve been rearranging some of the rooms in our house and I have been dying for a little getaway space of my own. Luke helped me create a little office nook that’s tucked away in our formal living room and it is perfect. I’m finishing up decorating the space, but will do a post soon sharing more details. Here’s the tiniest sneak peak.
5. Turkey Nuggets
If you know Luke, you know he loves hunting. Deer season in the fall is his absolute favorite time of the year, but during the spring he enjoys doing a little turkey hunting. In April, he a got a bird and fried up some nuggets. I was so skeptical and, honestly, did not want to even try them. But, being the great wife that I am, I gave them a one-bite shot. I was surprised with how delicious they were and ended up eating several of them. First time for everything!
Thanks for stoping by. xoxo.