[…] was 18 months last year at Easter… this post shares a look at how I filled his basket (the bunny ear tie on pictured above) if you want a little […]

Hi all! I was starting to put together Bodie’s toddler Easter basket today (and busted a toy out of the Easter basket my mom made and sent to him) and thought I would do a little post rounding up what’s inside and a few other ideas you could include in your own little one’s Easter basket this year. *I picked up a few of the things in Bodie’s basket from the dollar spot section in Target back in February, so I couldn’t link those but found similar options.* If you read my 18 Months with Bodie post, you’ll recall me saying how Bodie loves books, puzzles, and little hands-on activities right now, so this basket focused primarily on those things. I did order him the rain boots that are linked in this post, but those haven’t come in yet. And of course, we have our Burt’s Bees rabbit jammies already in our rotation.
All of these items can be purchased online and shipped to you before next weekend allowing you to put together a cute, little basket without even leaving your house. I obviously have a little boy, but included some darling little girl options in this roundup as well.
Easter will for sure be different this year, but we are trying to make the most of it and still have a celebration next Sunday here at the house. We will be doing church service via livestream and meeting with our life group via ZOOM! meeting (just like we have been doing the past few weeks). I’m also planning on us getting up and getting ready, just as if we were physically going to church that morning. I want to separate the day out from others and keep some reverence to it.
Below, I’m going to link cute baskets/buckets, a few cute spring/Easter outfits, baby Easter basket ideas, toddler Easter basket ideas for next weekend.
Spring/Easter Outfits for Boys and Girls:
Easter Baskets/Buckets for Boys and Girls:
Baby Easter Basket Ideas:
Toddler Easter Basket Ideas:
Here is the little Easter Basket my mom put together for Bodie several weeks ago and sent back with us when we left from our visit down there.
/ Similar towel / Outfit / Peppa Pig book / Colors Peakaboo book / Don’t Forget to Remember book / Puzzle /
I hope everyone is hanging in there. It’s been a strange few weeks, but we just continue to look for the positives and blessings in this situation. Let me know if you have any fun home activities planned for next weekend! xoxo.