Okay, here’s another super delayed “five things”, but now that I’m caught back up after the winter funk, I should be able to stay on track haha. If I’m being completely honest, I was in a total funk the whole month of January. It was cold, dark, rainy, the holidays were over, and just bleh. That being said, January was not my favorite and did not feel like a “fresh start” as it is typically viewed. However, even in the midst of boredom or hardship or junk or whatever, I think there are always things we can find enjoyment in… no matter how silly or random they may seem. We had some family medical complications, family moving news, and again, it was cold, dark, and rainy but, all that aside, here are my Five Things for last month
1. Trip to Dothan
And here you have the highlight of the month. Bodie and I went to Dothan for a week and Luke flew down a couple of days later. Him and my dad did a big quail and pheasant hunt and mom and I just hung out at the house with Bodie. Let me also insert that Bodie was majorly pushing out a molar so he was a bit on the irritable side. As always though, it was a great visit with my family and we enjoyed our time down there with them as always.
2. Birthday Celebrations
We celebrated a few birthdays in January. Luke’s sister, both grandmothers, and dad all have January birthdays. You may or may not recall, but Luke and his mom both have birthdays right before Christmas, so we are busy with lots of celebrations through the winter which is always fun!
3. New Supplement Regimen
I’ll be sharing more about this soon (probably next week), but I started taking personalized daily supplements through BINTO and it has been wonderful. I can tell a difference in how my body feels when I”m taking these and the ease of their system is such a perk. Again, I’ll be going into more detail in a dedicated blog post to my experience so keep an eye out for that in the near future. If you’re interested, go to their site (mybinto.com) and read more. You take a quiz that allows for easy supplement matching tailored to what your body specifically needs. Everything is reviewed by a nurse and you have access to chat with one at any time. Binto is changing women’s health and I’m so on board with that. You can use code KARISRAE to get 20% off your purchase if you’re interested.
4. Lots of Play Time with Bug
We honestly were at home a lot during January. With gross weather, sickness, and just being in a funk, we didn’t venture out a whole lot so Bodie and I got lots of good play time in. This was also the month that Bodie decided to take off walking on his own without feeling the need to hold hands. He was a little bit of a late walker at 15 months, but Luke and I were together when he started walking on his own and that was really special and fun. Now, he’s so busy that we can hardly keep up with him. It’s fascinating how quickly babies pick up a skill and then truly just build on it and flourish. This is such a fun age and I’m so blessed I have had the opportunity to spend such good, quality time with my little boy each day.
5. Bachelor Mondays
I mean other than the fact that this season is kind of the worst, I still love Bachelor Monday nights. One of my best friends, Chelsea, always comes over for it. We generally make a CFA run before and then just veg out to the ridiculousness of what we’re watching. No judgement please, because I know most of you probably watch it too haha.
Hope your January was enjoyable, even though it seemed to last for five months haha. xoxo.