“Children are an inheritance from the LORD. They are a reward from him.“
~Psalm 127:3~
Wow. 12 months of Bodie being in our lives. A full year. As Bodie just turned one on Wednesday, I couldn’t help but to feel accomplished for raising this tiny human for a full 365 days with no major mishaps haha. He’s healthy, thriving, and a pure joy to be around every single day. To God be all the glory because Luke and I sure couldn’t parent a child solely on our own strength. Looking back over the past twelve months, it’s incredible to see how much he has changed, but also how so many things have stayed the same. I thought it would be fun to share all of his month pictures as I look back on the past 12 months of his little life. Also, breathing a sigh of relief that these pictures are over because the older he got, the harder they were to take…. #busybodybaby. I wanted to stay consistent and make it all the way through (and somehow I did) but, from about 8 months on, these were some really difficult images to capture.
We have Bodie’s birthday party at the house this weekend and I can’t wait to keep celebrating with our family and friends. It’s a dinosaur party and I think everything is going to come together really nicely. I’ll definitely share all the details on here in couple of weeks. My friend Meghan recently commented that a first birthday party is really for the parents… like, “look at us, we made it through a whole year of raising a child and everyone survived.” So true. Even though Bodie won’t remember his party, I want it to be so perfect for him because he’s just my whole world.
My motherhood posts always seem to do really well view wise and I have had lots of sweet comments about them. That truly warms my heart, y’all. In case you’re interested, I’ll leave a list of some previous pregnancy/baby posts that might be of interest to you below.
- Hospital Bag Checklist
- Nurse Thank You Gifts
- Where I Bought Maternity Clothes
- Maternity Photos and Praying for Baby
- New-Mom Must-Haves
- Best Baby Buys From Amazon
- Bodie’s Birth Story
- Newborn Photos
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend. As always, thanks for stopping by. xoxo.