Hello and happy August! Here’s my breakdown of the five things I enjoyed most during the month of July.
1. Fourth of July
It’s no secret that I love any “firsts” for Bodie and this year we got to celebrate his first Fourth of July. He was 9 months old and that was such a fun age to celebrate this summer holiday on. My parents were in town and we did a small “cookout” at the house with them and some of our friends. I say “cookout” because it rained the entire afternoon and we didn’t get to spend anytime out back and on the patio haha. Bodie looked adorable in his stars and stripes though and we had a fun time just chatting and hanging out.
2. Beach Trip
A couple of weeks ago we headed to the beach with my family. Luke was only able to fly down for a few days, but Bodie and I spent about 10 days at the beach and then back at my parent’s house in Alabama before we headed back home. For late July, the weather was fabulous… lower humidity and we didn’t suffocate when we walked outside. Praise! It was more of a low key trip for us than some of our trips in the past, but it was really nice to just rest, relax, and hang out. We did do a few dinners out and a little poking around, but all in all, it was very chill.
3. Job Change for Luke
I haven’t mentioned this much, but Luke started at a new firm on July 1. The switch happened really fast during the last couple of weeks in June. He went with the partner that he did most of his work for at his old firm and a couple of his other colleagues made the transition with them as well. His office is only a couple of blocks away from his old one and their practice kept the majority of the clients they had been working with. All and all a pretty smooth transition, but a transition nonetheless. Overall, it’s been a great month for him and he’s really enjoying the new firm as well as the people he is working with.
4. Walmart Obsession
If you’ve been visiting the blog or my Instagram page this summer, you’ve probably seen quite a few references to products from Walmart. Honestly though, they have really stepped up their game this year. They have so many cute pieces for ridiculous prices. Every time I go on to order Bodie’s diapers (their shipping is so fast and prices for baby items are fabulous), I tend to find a few things for myself as well. Most recently, this cardigan (ahh-mazing), this eyeshadow palette (so pigmented and has the most beautiful colors), and these joggers (incredibly soft). Here are a few other things I’ve noticed lately and am loving:
5. Bodie’s First Teeth and First Time in the Church Nursery
This is a weird thing to be on my list. I realize that. It’s actually a bittersweet thing if I’m being honest. Bodie was kind of late to get teeth and they just started popping out in July (at 10 months old). He now has his two front bottom teeth and one front top one. Luke and I actually loved him being toothless. His gummy little grin would melt us to bits. Luke even referred to him as the “toothless wonder boy” off and on haha. However, I know that getting teeth is part of a baby’s natural development and so for that we are thankful that he continues to grow. All that being said, I’ve seriously got to keep progressing with my feeding strategies. I’m so terrified of him choking. Mamas, any tips?
Bodie also had his first stay in the nursery at church. It was a huge success and for that we were so thankful. I think getting him in the nursery some will help me before I attempt to start him in Mother’s Day Out this fall after he turns one. I know I sound like “that mom” but I am with him all day every day and it’s hard y’all.
August is going to be a whirlwind over here. It’s a busy month, but I’m excited that we are getting closer to fall and football season. Anyone else? PS: Beautycounter is having a friends and family sale right now and this only happens about 2-3 times a year. It’s a great time to stock up on products you love or try something if you’ve been interested. Message me if you have any questions. Thinking I’ll do a post tomorrow with my favorite products and what I use on a daily basis. xoxo.