I mentioned in May that I was going to be switching things up with my “FIve Things” series now that I’ve been doing them for a year. For this next go around, I’ve decided to post 5 things I enjoyed about the previous month. That kind of happened on accident in May because I posted mid-way through the month and I thought it would be a fun variation. So here we are. A year full of what I’m excited for each month (2018) and now a year full of what I enjoyed most about the previous month (2019). I mentioned before that I love having a blog so that I can look back and see the big and small things that were going on in my life. My “Five Things” series is probably not going to get the most popular vote by my readers, but it will probably get mine. Here’s a breakdown of the five things I enjoyed most during the month of June.
1. Las Vegas Trip
This trip was a good four days away with the hubby. Although I can honestly say that I don’t think we will be back to Vegas anytime soon, we enjoyed our time out there together. Honestly, that place is kind of insane but you definitely need to see it for yourself. Highly recommend staying at The Bellagio if you go. This trip was a fun way to kick off summer and cross another city off our bucket list. I’ll be doing a full Las Vegas travel guide soon (travel posts always seem to do well around here) with lots of pictures, food recs, and a list of things to do. Until then, you can view my Vegas Packing List and A Budget Friendly Swim Look.
2. Baby Shower
I hosted a baby shower for one of my dear friends a couple of weeks ago and it was so sweet. She’s having a little girl (I’m determined she and Bodie will be BF and GF), so it was fun to get to do some pink and frilly things when I’m used to all the blues and greens for Bodie. It was set up with pinks, golds, and whites with a subtle swan theme. For the food, we had quiche, chicken minis, and fruit. For dessert, we had ombre pink cake and macarons from a local bakery here in Nashville. Drinks were water, tea, and coffee punch.
3. Summer Activities at Home
While Bodie isn’t quite old enough to drive a power wheels car down the driveway or play with sidewalk chalk yet, we are doing the outdoor play things that we can for his age. He has a kiddie pool outside now that we can put him in and let him splash around. If the water is warm enough, he really enjoys it. We’re hoping to get him in the big pool soon. He’ll also be taking his first trip to the beach in a few weeks and I can’t wait for that. In addition to splashing in the water, we take several evening strolls around the neighborhood or at the zoo each week. It’s such a simple thing, but pushing him around in the stroller has become one of my favorite things.
4. Luke’s First Father’s Day
Mother’s Day was so sweet for me and I wanted to make sure Luke felt special on this day as well. He works so hard for our little family and one day to honor him just isn’t enough. Watching Bodie grin from ear to ear when Luke walks in the door in the evening or when we FaceTime him during the day is always one of the highlights of my day. Watching your husband become a father is precious and I feel blessed that Bodie, Harper, and I get Luke to be ours for the rest of our lives.
5. Lunch Date with My Bestie
Y’all have probably heard/seen me post about my BFF Mariglenn (aka: Tiger) before. We’ve been besties since college, but most people swear that they thought we grew up together. She’s a true gem. Seriously. Her only flaw is that she’s a Blues fan, but I digress. We both moved away from Birmingham at the same time almost 4 years ago now, but unfortunately for me she went to St. Louis instead of Nashville. Saddest of days. We typically plan several long weekend trips to see each other throughout the year, but we also try and see each other when she’s passing through town going to and from Alabama (her parents still live down there). A couple of weeks ago, she and her husband were passing through Nashville on their way back to St. Louis and Luke, Bodie, and I met them for lunch. It was 2 of the sweetest hours of the whole month of June for me. Love my best friend. Hate that she lives 5 hours away.
5. ABLE Event
Okay, I’m adding a sixth thing from the month of June. I had the opportunity to attend an event at ABLE (a brand that I love… their products and mission) and was allowed to bring a guest. I took my friend Chelsea and we had the best time. There were refreshments, shopping discounts, and a few other fun surprises (enter the GIF maker machine).Chelsea got this leather tote to be her go-to fall bag and I got to see myself posted up on the jewelry table. This mama got out of the house with a friend on a Thursday night and it was so fun!
Happy July everyone. Do you have any fun plans for the month? My parents just got into town yesterday afternoon and I’m giddy. Also, my dad has been contemplating changing his grandfather name from “Ram” to “Pops” and so Luke and I are currently calling him “RamPops.” I can’t wait until he gets here so we can run with that for a few days. Ram or Pops? Do you have a vote? My mom’s grandmother name is “Lolli” so I think that’s what has started the talk of changing. Lolli and Pops… get it haha?! xoxo.