Happy February or “love month” as I keep seeing/hearing it referred to haha. In honor of that, I couldn’t help but to share this tote with y’all since it’s four things I love. My brother-in-law and his girlfriend gave it to me for Christmas and I couldn’t love it more. Poor Luke just didn’t make the cut, but how stinkin’ adorable is this? It’s from The Shop Forward and would be such a cute Galentine’s Day gift for your bestie. Here’s my monthly list of 5 things i’m excited for in February.
1. Longer Days
In case y’all haven’t noticed, the days are getting slightly longer and I couldn’t be happier about it. I honestly feel like it lifts my spirits… those short, dark winter days can really get to you (especially when you’re home the better part of or all day a lot of the days with a baby), ya know? To me longer days and more light point toward the upcoming spring season that I feel like we are all starting to get a little antsy for.
2. The Bachelor
I understand that this isn’t solely a February thing, but it’s happening once a week in the month of February so I’m counting it on my list. I am sooooo obsessed with this season y’all. I’ll admit I had kind of fallen off the bachelor/bachelorette train the past couple of years (since Ben Higgins’ and JoJo’s seasons) because I just didn’t care for the people that much and I was tired of the “drama.” Well, for whatever reason, I decided to watch the first episode of this new season (probably because I couldn’t stand to watch Alabama in the National Championship one more time and there was nothing else on that night. honesty ha) and I was hooked within minutes. Does anyone else feel like this is one of the best seasons ever? I seriously can hardly wait 7 days for the next episode to air each week. #addicted
3. Valentine’s Day
I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day just because of all the pinks, reds, purples, flowers, and heart things (not to mention the dollar spot section at target). It’s just such a girly time and I love that. I’ve really loved Valentine’s Day ever since I can remember (boy in my life or not) and I think that’s because my mom always made it fun and did cute little crafts with me. Additionally, this year, I have the sweetest, tiniest little valentine in Bodie and of course I have him an adorable outfit to wear that day. A date night in with my boys will just thrill my soul.
4. Spring Cleaning
We started this process last weekend, but operation clean out (and purge my closet) the Salyers’ home is in full swing. I can’t wait to eliminate more clutter and continue to get things more organized. Going to be listing a lot of things on my Poshmark site really soon! After we’re finished with purging, trashing, donating, etc., we’re going to have a good, deep cleaning done and I can’t even wait for that overall fresh feeling. Our house is by no means dirty, but it always feels so good to really clean out and have things deep cleaned every now and then!
5. No Plans
I feel like we almost always have lots of things going on. From trips, to company coming in, to random events on the calendar, we are often times very busy. This month though, with the exception of a super bowl party with friends, we really have no plans and that’s kind of exciting. We are looking forward to filling our time with whatever comes up as we please and spending more time all together at the house without coordinating around a bunch of events. Don’t get me wrong, we love going and doing, but sometimes it’s just nice to have nothing going on.
I usually feel like January is never ending, but I didn’t really feel that way this year even though it seems like most people did. Are you excited for the new month? Happy weekend! xoxo.