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Well here we are on December 17 and all my plans of having my shopping finished early completely went out the window. Oops. Anyone else still trying to finish up? I heard a lady yesterday say she hadn’t even started yet and I was just thankful I wasn’t that far behind haha. Luckily, if you still have some gifts to buy, there’s still time to get things in before Christmas! I’ve rounded up my favorite gifts under 100 (lots are even under 50 or 25). There are things for him, for her, the baby, the dog… the whole family. I already have a few of these items, have some of these items on my own wishlist for this year, or have purchased some of these items as gifts (can’t give too much away there though because I know some of the recipients read this blog). Needless to say, I think this is a great roundup. If you’re still struggling with what to buy a friend or family member, I hope you can find something here!
Happy shopping and Merry Christmas! xoxo.