Happy Thanksgiving! On a day that’s easy to get consumed with all of the sales, food, and football, I’m trying to take some time to be extra mindful of and thankful for all the blessings that the Lord has poured out on my life.
Last night I was feeling super overwhelmed trying to get a lot of things done around the house and get us ready to go out of town (only an hour away) for a couple of days this morning. All of the small things I had to do seemed to have added up to a long list and it was already close to midnight. Stressing as I often do, I got myself in a serious tizzy (being a tired new mama didn’t help the situation). Luke encouraged me to stop for two minutes and think of three things that I am truly thankful for in that moment. He said that often works for him and helps change his perspective when he’s feeling overwhelmed. So I did and I immediately shifted my lens. I took a couple of moments to focus on how incredibly blessed I am. The reason I was stressing and had so many things to do, was because of how blessed I am. I have an amazing husband, precious baby boy, and cuddly pup. I have parents and in-laws that love me dearly and continually give of themselves to pour into my life. I have a home to live in, clothes to wear, a car to drive, and food to eat amongst a multitude of other things. Most importantly, I have a savior who loves me unconditionally and consistently meets me where I am when I often don’t deserve it. I have more than I need and for that I am humbled and thankful.
“Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.” -Psalm 95:2-3
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love, laughs, and fun. Next time you feel overwhelmed, I encourage you to take a couple of moments to list three things you’re truly thankful for and see if it shifts your mood. Thanks for stopping by. Check back over the next couple of days as I’ll have a big post up with all the big Black Friday and cyber sales going on so you can jumpstart that holiday shopping. xoxo.