Happy Monday, friends! Per usual, I’m kicking off the month with a few things I’m most looking forward to over the next 30 days or so. Here is my list of 5 things I’m excited for in August.
1. Maternity Pictures
We are taking these pictures on Sunday, and I am so ready for them. We’re praying for good weather… summer pop-up showers are stressing me out a little right now. Outdoor and ethereal is the overall feel I’m going for, and my photographer has a great location in mind. These days, my feet almost always look like water balloons, so if we can keep those concealed, I’ll feel good about this shoot haha. Here are some of the dresses I was choosing between… do you have a favorite? Which one do you think I picked? Can’t wait to share the images with you in a few weeks!
2. Baby Showers
We have two baby showers left—one this weekend, and one next weekend. I mentioned after my first shower back in June that we have been overwhelmed with love and support from so many friends and family during these past eight months. The fact that so many people want to love on and spoil us before Little Man arrives truly warms our hearts. Also, I thought filling up our wedding registry was fun, but working on the baby registry is a whole new level!
3. Styling Our Outdoor Space
Our patio is finally finished. Hooray! It felt like it took forever, but that seems to be par for the course in Nashville, where every contractor is busy and Mother Nature delays construction work like its her job. We still need to re-seed the backyard (not trying to have Little Man’s play area just be a mud pit), but apparently the best time to grow grass here is in mid-September, so the seeding is on hold for now. We’re also adding a roof over part of the patio, but that won’t be completed for about another month as well. Regardless, it’s already so awesome, and we’ve gotten a kick out of just standing around on our bare concrete patio haha. For our anniversary last Friday, I surprised Luke with a new grill to put out there. We’re trying to decide on outdoor furniture and cushions, then we should be set. I’ve only been searching outdoor patio design for, like, four months now, so I feel pretty prepared to style the space. Who’s ready to come over for football games this fall? Wooo!
4. School and Office Supplies
I’ve worked in the school system for the past five years and, yes, school supplies still get me excited. Not sure why, but I’ve always loved getting new school and office supplies at the start of a new school year. I’m just fortunate that I still get to go “back-to-school” shopping each year. This year, I have a much-abbreviated school year with Little Man arriving sometime in September, but that still means at least six weeks (we hope!) of using fresh pens, pencils, notebooks, etc. at my desk at work. Gosh I love the feeling a fresh, new planner/calendar can give you… It’s borderline intoxicating for a “Type-A planner” like me.
5. Taylor Swift Concert
I went to her concert with my sister-in-law back in 2015 when Taylor was on the 1989 tour. We sat second row on the floor, as in, close enough to tell if she shaved her legs (don’t worry – she did)… I still haven’t quite recovered from that experience. She is such an amazing performer, and that show was pure entertainment for the entire two hours. While we won’t be quite nearly close for her upcoming show, I have no doubt that this concert will also be a great show. I’m thinking lots of leather, fire, and snakes based on the general theme of her Reputation album. I hope it doesn’t send me into early labor… I’d have to find some way to get a message to TayTay telling her, “Look what you made me do” (see what I did there?). Wouldn’t that be a story? I’m going to this concert with my sister-in-law again, but this time we are bringing the husbands, too. So pumped, can’t wait!
Hope everyone has the best week. xoxo.