IT’S A BOY!! Our gender reveal party for Baby Salyers was this past Saturday night and oh my goodness, it was so much fun! Some of our sweet friends threw this party for us, and we are beyond grateful for all their generosity and hard work. It was so great to be around family and friends for this special occasion, and it was extra special that was during Mother’s Day weekend. I really wish we could go back and repeat the whole thing, but here’s a quick recap:
We kept the occasion small—only immediate family and a few of our closest in-town friends, plus my bestie and her husband who now live in St. Louis (she’s amazing and insisted on helping host)—so everyone could enjoy closer fellowship than what usually happens at big parties. My parents came into town last Thursday night and stayed through Sunday, and Luke and I enjoyed hosting them for the long weekend. Luke’s side of the family came down for the party on Saturday, so we got to enjoy some quality time with them, too. Our parents get along great (such a blessing!), and they got in some bonding time at the party. This was the first time they had seen in each other since finding out they will be grandparents—it was pretty neat watching them celebrate that together. Little Man is the first grandbaby on both sides of the family, so you know… big deal!
The evening was full of pink and blue decorations until we found out Baby Salyers is a boy, then we got rid of all the pink… so fun! We also had Mexican food catered for dinner, a donut/ice cream desert bar, and powder/confetti canons for the actual reveal itself. Oh, and the weather was PERFECT. Picture overload here, but I never want to forget it!
Now that we know the gender, I can finally plan specifics and get the nursery rolling. And those of you who know me will not be surprised that Baby Boy has already gotten a big wardrobe jumpstart… #canthelpmyself.
We feel so immeasurably blessed that The Lord has entrusted us with the opportunity to raise a precious, little boy. The love, support, and prayers from our family and friends have been incredible, and we are so very grateful. Thanks so much for reading and following along with me on this journey… it’s been a blast so far, but I have a feeling that the best is yet to come! xoxo.